51.   Keating said the test could jeopardize on-going negotiations for a proposed international Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

52.   Keating also said they were checking whether the rental of a vehicle in the Dallas-Fort Worth area was tied to the explosion.

53.   Keating said Australia still held out hope that France will reverse its plans.

54.   Keating said Australia was one of the countries leading in the effort to eradicate nuclear weapons.

55.   Keating said Australia was one of the countries leading in the eradication of nuclear weapons.

56.   Keating said Australia will step up its campaign to stop the tests.

57.   Keating said his government will send protest delegations to Europe and the United Nations to whip up opposition against the tests.

58.   Keating said that while publicizing the method may lead people to use it, the effort also will educate the public on how to stop it.

59.   Keating said the British had little to boast about when it came to parliamentary behavior -- or unparliamentary behavior.

60.   Keating said this pact has often been misunderstood and criticized in Europe.

v. + say >>共 585
keating 5.94%
tar 3.35%
man 2.92%
scharping 2.22%
be 2.17%
have 2.12%
bank 2.08%
mull 1.98%
lave 1.79%
dowling 1.75%
keating + v. >>共 148
say 29.03%
be 12.21%
have 3.69%
make 2.07%
call 2.07%
tell 1.84%
argue 1.38%
defend 1.15%
arrive 0.92%
claim 0.92%
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