51.   Controversial Jewish settlers have received government subsidies to have their car windows reinforced.

52.   Despite disappointment among Palestinians and resentment among Jewish settlers, the redeployment Friday was by all accounts an historic moment for the Likud government of Netanyahu.

53.   Earlier in the day, Jewish settlers in Hebron accused the Israeli army of exercising excessive restraint in its battles with Palestinian gunmen there.

54.   Enclosed by a heavy ring of soldiers in full battle gear, Jewish settlers paraded through Hebron in the Halloween-like costumes of the Jewish holiday of Purim.

55.   Early Thursday morning, the leadership of the Jewish settlers, anticipating a peace agreement, threw a protest, but not very many people came.

56.   For example, some say the extremely militant Jewish settlers in Hebron and Kiryat Arba, who clash constantly with Palestinians and with Israeli authorities, should be evacuated.

57.   For Jewish settlers near Bethlehem, the hand-over of the city to armed Palestinians is cause for a different set of concerns.

58.   For their part, Jewish settlers in the West Bank say that separation could leave them more exposed than ever to Arab attacks.

59.   Further north, the Israeli army evicted several Jewish settlers from a hilltop they had taken with trailers -- an attempt to expand their hold on the disputed land.

60.   Hard-line Jewish settlers backed by armed security guards occupied two buildings in a Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem in the darkness before dawn Monday.

a. + settler >>共 252
jewish 58.85%
israeli 9.02%
early 2.81%
white 2.64%
european 2.11%
first 1.38%
armed 1.32%
militant 1.20%
british 0.97%
muslim 0.82%
jewish + n. >>共 632
settlement 16.21%
settler 10.66%
state 10.18%
community 4.52%
group 4.10%
leader 3.41%
neighborhood 2.49%
organization 2.19%
extremist 1.69%
holiday 1.58%
每页显示:    共 1997