51.   Jets also struck suspected rocket launchers in the Ibl el-Saqi area near the border.

52.   Jets also struck near the southern port city of Tyre.

53.   Jets also struck deep inside Lebanon, targeting a base for Syrian-backed radical Palestinian guerrillas near the Syrian border, Lebanese and Israeli officials said.

54.   Jets also struck near Tyre.

55.   Jets strike Kandahar in first daylight raid.

56.   Jerry Jones said this was the second time in a month that the jet has struck a deer while landing.

57.   Last November, NATO jets struck in northwest Bosnia, prompting the Serbs to detain hundreds of peacekeepers.

58.   NATO jets accidentally struck over the border into Albania on Tuesday, hitting government bunkers at Morini and narrowly missing refugees, journalists and aid workers.

59.   NATO jets did not strike the Serbs on Sunday because of bad weather.

60.   NATO jets overnight struck an industrial zone, a key Yugoslav highway, a military airport and Kosovo targets.

n. + strike >>共 1256
missile 3.24%
earthquake 3.21%
disaster 3.15%
bullet 2.71%
plane 2.56%
warplane 2.47%
jet 1.95%
quake 1.68%
terrorist 1.62%
tragedy 1.60%
jet + v. >>共 379
be 7.69%
fly 6.73%
bomb 5.86%
crash 5.32%
fire 4.09%
attack 3.45%
strike 3.18%
roar 2.91%
drop 2.55%
pound 2.52%
每页显示:    共 105