51.   On Thursday, the overtime issue arose as Congress is considering a bill to raise the minimum wage.

52.   Only two weeks ago, the treatment-gap issue arose during the House Appropriations Committee debate on the Colombian plan.

53.   Other issues also arise, like where, exactly, is that line between dad and system operator drawn?

54.   Oregon regulators assured the company no new issues have arisen in the case, he said.

55.   Other departments were consulted when issues in their realm arose.

56.   Plus the issue never arises because nobody asks.

57.   Rarely does the issue of mental illness arise in sports.

58.   Privacy issues arose from the start.

59.   Rather than wait for antitrust problems to develop, Intel would do everything in its power to ensure that the issue would never arise.

60.   Shortly after the issue arose, the party that backed Speight lost parliamentary elections to a coalition headed by Mahendra Chaudhry.

n. + arise >>共 680
problem 16.26%
question 8.78%
issue 4.87%
opportunity 3.74%
dispute 3.69%
need 3.47%
situation 2.53%
conflict 2.40%
difficulty 1.94%
controversy 1.72%
issue + v. >>共 490
be 48.45%
remain 3.30%
come 2.67%
have 2.30%
become 1.95%
include 1.66%
go 1.42%
arise 1.22%
fall 1.02%
rise 0.82%
每页显示:    共 180