51.   The Tamil Tigers are waging a campaign to establish an independent homeland for minority Tamils in the Sinhalese-majority island republic.

52.   Kohl told representatives of German companies with operations in Singapore that he would put the idea to leaders of the island republic, a member of his delegation said.

53.   Mahathir said Singapore could not claim it practised meritocracy because the Malays in the island republic have long been discriminated against.

54.   Singapore says he is a leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, a regional network which allegedly planned to blow up US targets in the island republic.

55.   She had pledged to end ethnic bloodletting in the island republic.

56.   Singapore authorities have classified the scandal as commercial crime, officials in the island republic said Tuesday.

57.   Singapore has also identified Riduan Hishamuddin, also known as Hambali, as linked to international terror and the planned attacks in the island republic.

58.   The DPP promotes declaring Taiwan an independent island republic without political links with the mainland, while both the KMT and NP call for eventual reunification with China.

59.   The date was set Wednesday by the government of the large Indian Ocean island republic, where Prime Minister Norbert Ratsirahonana has been named interim president by the court.

60.   The hanging of Filipina maid Flor Contemplacion in Singapore last March for a double murder led to the downgrading of ties between Manila and the island republic.

n. + republic >>共 50
rebel 30.90%
secessionist 21.91%
island 17.13%
north 5.90%
ex-yugoslav 4.21%
mountain 2.25%
wartorn 1.12%
minority 0.84%
former-soviet 0.84%
year 0.84%
island + n. >>共 475
nation 27.49%
state 10.44%
chain 5.60%
group 2.52%
country 2.48%
republic 2.44%
resident 2.20%
dispute 1.64%
resort 1.52%
prison 1.36%
每页显示:    共 61