51.   Store owners and mailbox renters say the new rules invade their privacy and pose a financial threat to their businesses.

52.   The Air Force invaded my privacy.

53.   The article was flattering, but Chandler, the magazine said, thought it invaded his privacy.

54.   The film has been acclaimed for dramatizing the extent to which our privacy has been invaded by the media culture, Big Brother, et.

55.   The handful of privacy advocates in Britain have tried to enumerate those costs by arguing that the cameras invade privacy.

56.   The lawsuit also alleges that Continental invaded the privacy of its employees by monitoring them in a place that most people would expect to be private.

57.   The media examined his psyche, invaded his privacy, and ridiculed his appearance and personality.

58.   The letter complains about the role of computers in invading privacy and destroying the environment.

59.   The two men sued ABC, charging that their privacy had been invaded when their conversations and their likenesses were broadcast without their permission.

60.   There are countless ways customers could have their privacy invaded, he said.

v. + privacy >>共 146
protect 27.19%
invade 7.34%
guard 5.26%
violate 5.26%
have 4.23%
respect 4.23%
want 2.63%
maintain 2.15%
value 1.91%
provide 1.75%
invade + n. >>共 267
privacy 9.08%
island 6.71%
country 5.63%
territory 3.55%
pitch 3.46%
field 2.57%
area 2.07%
home 2.07%
house 1.97%
space 1.97%
每页显示:    共 92