51.   But squeezed by his promises not to cut social benefits and attempts to introduce market reforms, he rapidly lost popularity.

52.   But he and his fellow reformers grew to see the communist system as totalitarian and undemocratic, and they sought to introduce reforms from the top.

53.   Cheung said he expects the government to continue to introduce reforms to stimulate the market.

54.   Djukanovic enjoys U.S. and other Western support in his efforts to introduce reforms in Montenegro.

55.   Dun will begin his a three-year term next year and is expected to introduce reforms to overcome dwindling finances and poor management.

56.   During his decade as president, Jayewardene introduced reforms to the socialist-style economy and opened it to foreigners.

57.   Djukanovic enjoys support among Montenegrins who want their Adriatic republic to introduce reforms and join Western Europe.

58.   During his decade as president, he introduced reforms to the socialist-style economy and opened it to foreigners.

59.   Four years after Boris Yeltsin introduced market reforms, Russia is at a crossroads.

60.   Gao said China has introduced several reforms to the bond market to develop a more market-oriented system.

v. + reform >>共 551
implement 6.10%
introduce 3.08%
need 3.00%
support 2.75%
demand 2.49%
enact 2.48%
make 2.12%
promise 1.91%
carry 1.87%
discuss 1.85%
introduce + n. >>共 1624
legislation 10.63%
bill 9.42%
measure 3.11%
product 2.33%
reform 1.88%
resolution 1.67%
system 1.34%
law 1.33%
model 1.04%
amendment 1.04%
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