51.   A stronger dollar has reduced the prices of imported goods, just when foreign producers are especially eager to sell to Americans.

52.   A stronger dollar is inflationary since it increases the cost of imported goods and bolsters earnings outlooks for domestic exporters.

53.   A stronger domestic currency drives down the prices of imported goods.

54.   A weak peso makes imported goods more expensive, thereby driving up consumer prices.

55.   A weakened dollar could nudge up inflation by making imported goods like Japanese cars more expensive.

56.   A weaker peso makes imported goods more expensive for consumers and can cause inflation to rise.

57.   A weak mark makes imported goods more expensive in Germany.

58.   A weakening of the krona may also feed through to higher prices as it tends to make imported goods more expensive.

59.   A weaker German currency would push up prices of many imported goods, adding to domestic price inflation.

60.   A weaker rupiah jacks up the costs of imported goods and parts.

a. + goods >>共 807
durable 7.72%
imported 5.38%
sporting 4.10%
manufactured 3.26%
stolen 3.03%
household 2.86%
foreign 2.60%
humanitarian 2.28%
japanese 2.15%
electronic 2.14%
imported + n. >>共 505
goods 15.79%
car 5.48%
product 4.16%
food 3.64%
oil 3.16%
steel 3.12%
part 2.16%
material 1.80%
beef 1.56%
vehicle 1.48%
每页显示:    共 393