51.   Often, the help arrived too late.

52.   Photographs were taken of the wrecked car before help arrived.

53.   Should the unthinkable occur, Happ was part of an investigative team for survival tactics to sustain the men until help arrived.

54.   Shea now talks with Clark daily by telephone, something he had been unable to do before all his new help arrived.

55.   She was told about ambushes in which buddies were shot and died before help arrived.

56.   Some witnesses said at least some photographers began taking pictures before help arrived.

57.   The bang let Autissier know help had arrived.

58.   The farmer who was killed was hit with an exploding tear gas canister and bled to death before help arrived.

59.   The men moved Harpool to safety and help arrived moments later.

60.   The response operator stays in voice contact with the motorist until help arrives.

n. + arrive >>共 998
police 5.84%
team 3.13%
delegation 1.77%
troop 1.63%
officer 1.48%
air 1.20%
official 1.16%
plane 1.15%
soldier 1.05%
leader 1.05%
help 0.79%
help + v. >>共 366
be 30.60%
come 9.55%
arrive 6.37%
keep 2.83%
make 1.83%
explain 1.77%
do 1.24%
get 1.00%
prevent 0.83%
build 0.77%
每页显示:    共 107