51.   They said the procedure saved their lives and their ability to have healthy babies.

52.   This would be barbaric if practiced on healthy babies, or even on deformed babies.

53.   Those plans unraveled the day she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, whom she named Uganda.

54.   Through improved techniques, the single embryo will implant itself in the womb, split on occasion into twins, but otherwise grow into one healthy baby.

55.   Thousands of partial-birth abortions are performed each year, primarily in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, on the healthy babies of healthy mothers.

56.   Twelve reasonable people doubted that a healthy baby boy went down for an afternoon nap and that five minutes later his brain spontaneously exploded.

57.   Typically in SIDS cases, a previously healthy baby is found dead in bed.

58.   Until then, he says, he will try to deliver as many healthy babies as he can.

59.   With the delivery of a healthy baby girl Saturday, Crown Princess Masako ended a long drought in births in the Japanese imperial family.

60.   Others were more skeptical that manufactured eggs could produce healthy babies anytime soon, saying the technique would likely create gross genetic abnormalities.

a. + baby >>共 724
new 7.83%
newborn 5.60%
premature 4.41%
born 4.02%
healthy 3.24%
first 3.21%
unborn 2.19%
little 1.90%
dead 1.69%
tiny 1.34%
healthy + n. >>共 1093
people 4.72%
economy 3.31%
scratch 3.28%
dose 2.04%
growth 2.04%
diet 2.01%
baby 1.62%
cell 1.53%
profit 1.41%
food 1.39%
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