51.   There is an increase in evaporation and rain has more impact.

52.   Speculation that global climate change could result was largely discounted, since the smoke cloud was too low to have an impact on stratospheric climate circulation.

53.   So yes it does have an impact, and if we investigate fires to a level which would allow us to identify trends and patterns then that will.

54.   As an exception the Merger Regulation does not apply if a merger has its primary impact within one Member State.

55.   Such changes in practice will have an impact on plaintiff personal injury lawyers already acting or trying to act in maximum severity cases.

56.   While the debate about quality continues it is anticipated that these standards are going to have an impact on all personal injury lawyers.

57.   It will be helpful if the announcement of the offer can coincide with positive public relations coverage for the offeror.

58.   The man certainly had impact!

59.   We are addressing that end of criminality so it will have an impact locally.

60.   Lancashire County Council leader Louise Ellman said the document drawn up by the North West Regional Association which she chairs would have an impact on everyone in the region.

v. + impact >>共 374
have 41.81%
make 8.49%
feel 3.85%
assess 2.20%
minimize 1.95%
reduce 1.46%
soften 1.35%
limit 1.31%
lessen 1.27%
see 1.19%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
impact 0.64%
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