51.   Israeli tanks entered Jenin a few hours later, and Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at the town.

52.   Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at a car in southern Gaza Strip on Monday, killing three people, Palestinian security officials said.

53.   Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at a police station in Gaza City and at the main Palestinian Authority government complex in Nablus in the West Bank.

54.   Israeli helicopter gunships fired on a Syrian base Friday, killing one soldier and wounding several during an air raid on south Beirut.

55.   Later on, while the rebels hid, Russian jets bombed mountain ridges and helicopter gunships fired rockets at suspected rebel placements.

56.   Later, Israeli Cobra helicopter gunships fired eight air-to-surface rockets and strafed suspected guerrilla hideouts just outside the security zone, said the sources, who requested anonymity.

57.   Later, Israeli Cobra helicopter gunships fired eight air-to-surface rockets and strafed suspected guerrilla hideouts just outside the security zone.

58.   Macedonian helicopter gunships fired at targets in the lush green hills and in the center of Vaksince, where thick smoke rose from among orange-tiled rooftops.

59.   Mortars pounded rebel positions in the hills of Jolo as attack planes and helicopter gunships fired missiles and bullets from above.

60.   On Tuesday night, an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at guerrillas who had attacked a military post in the occupied zone.

n. + fire >>共 698
police 16.66%
soldier 7.79%
troop 6.78%
gunman 5.10%
guerrilla 4.80%
force 3.73%
helicopter 3.14%
rebel 2.65%
officer 2.16%
tank 2.04%
gunship 1.28%
gunship + v. >>共 105
fire 20.25%
strafe 6.57%
attack 6.39%
fly 6.04%
hover 4.09%
blast 3.91%
rocket 3.91%
circle 3.20%
kill 2.13%
open 1.95%
每页显示:    共 113