51.   City officials asked the mayors to give them advance warning of any large tourist groups expected to visit Jerusalem.

52.   Considering these factors, the group expects a slight decline in its profit for the current financial year but will remain at a profitable level, he added.

53.   He adds that this year, the group expects strong showing from its overseas investments and projects while other divisions are expected to be profitable but at lower levels.

54.   He said his group expects to receive an answer from SHKP on Wednesday.

55.   He said the group expects to open other offices in Qatar, Oman and Yemen later this year.

56.   He said the group expects court challenges.

57.   He said the group expects to remain sound and stable with its proven track record in prudence and asset quality.

58.   He said the Toronto group expected to be repaid for the rent.

59.   However, the group expects to perform satisfactorily in the second half.

60.   Karin Anderegg Bigger, chief of SAir legal services, said the group expected dozens more to follow.

n. + expect >>共 639
analyst 17.66%
company 7.40%
investor 4.77%
official 4.58%
trader 3.97%
economist 3.50%
people 3.34%
government 1.78%
expert 1.70%
observer 1.64%
group 0.67%
group + v. >>共 723
say 9.83%
be 9.19%
have 3.36%
claim 3.17%
include 1.64%
call 1.57%
plan 1.51%
accuse 1.35%
want 1.19%
take 1.04%
expect 0.21%
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