51.   Just remember, in the grand scheme of things, less Arnie Spanier is a far, far better Arnie Spanier.

52.   Johnson has faith in what he does and what he is training others to do, but he considers singers and accompanists mere conduits in the grand scheme.

53.   More significant in the grand scheme is a new crop of video game storage devices.

54.   Mullen had wanted to row around Orient Point as part of his grand scheme of circling Long Island in stages.

55.   No grand scheme, no glory.

56.   No one in Congress or the White House has an appetite any longer for grand schemes and revolutions.

57.   Nor, in the grand scheme of things, is it especially damning.

58.   Not much in the grand scheme of things, to be sure, but progress nevertheless.

59.   Now the only element of his grand scheme that seems likely to survive is time limits.

60.   No matter what your age, this list will probably make you feel extra puny in the grand scheme of things.

a. + scheme >>共 855
new 6.63%
grand 3.18%
defensive 2.91%
alleged 2.40%
similar 2.23%
such 2.16%
insurance 1.93%
offensive 1.86%
pilot 1.79%
blocking 1.45%
grand + n. >>共 840
juror 4.05%
scale 3.67%
theft 3.18%
prize 3.10%
plan 2.88%
opening 2.77%
scheme 2.56%
finale 2.04%
council 1.77%
entrance 1.66%
每页显示:    共 93