51.   Does the country have to wait for political succession until he is too old and too ill to govern this country?

52.   During the apartheid era, when the Afrikaner-led National Party governed the country, the church told members that apartheid was ordained by biblical teachings.

53.   During the apartheid era, when the Afrikaner-led National Party governed the country, the church told members that white minority rule was ordained by biblical teachings.

54.   Faced with growing public anxiety about a deep political and economic crisis, Bulgarian politicians called over the weekend for radical changes in how the country is governed.

55.   He said it is too early to consider starting a new political party, but the ultimate aim of the new group will be to govern the country.

56.   In exchange, the militants have called on Egypt to release detainees, break ties with Israel and allow the country to be governed by Islamic Sharia law.

57.   In a speech to the house, Demirchian called for an increased role for parliament in governing the country.

58.   In a thinly disguised attack on the white-led National Party, which governed the country under apartheid, Mandela strenuously denied his party was soft on crime.

59.   In response to criticism from the white-led National Party, which governed the country under apartheid, Mandela denied his party was soft on crime.

60.   It has a federal administration which governs the country in general, but each state has its independent legislature and power to run the day-to-day affair of the state.

v. + country >>共 730
leave 12.40%
enter 6.19%
flee 5.50%
visit 2.40%
run 2.40%
lead 2.31%
divide 1.65%
represent 1.57%
rebuild 1.14%
name 1.09%
govern 0.54%
govern + n. >>共 732
country 4.36%
use 2.32%
state 1.84%
conduct 1.84%
body 1.60%
sale 1.60%
life 1.50%
city 1.31%
province 1.21%
trade 1.21%
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