51.   Among technology fund managers, the best performers are those who have switched nimbly among different parts of the industry, like software and hard drives.

52.   American Century Investments, formerly known as Twentieth Century Mutual Funds and the Benham Group, said veteran fund manager Christopher Boyd resigned.

53.   Analysts and fund managers agreed that Gemina has enough liquidity to buy back shares that are sold by shareholders who want to opt out of the merger.

54.   Analysts and fund managers say the bid is highly unusual in a market that is considered staid by comparison with the more speculative Malaysian and Indonesian markets.

55.   Among them were Abby Joseph Cohen of Goldman, Sachs, independent fund manager Mario Gabelli and retired Windsor Fund manager John Neff.

56.   Analysts expect market volatility next week which fund managers may use as opportunities to buy.

57.   Analysts said share prices rose last year as fund managers increased the proportion of bank stocks in their U.K. portfolios because of actual or expected takeovers.

58.   An Allianz bid for Generali would be sure to raise antitrust issues in Italy, one fund manager said.

59.   Analysts, fund managers and politicians have criticized the operation for bypassing minority shareholders and for lacking industrial logic.

60.   And as bullish as investors are, fund managers have been even more confident.

n. + manager >>共 548
fund 13.63%
money 10.86%
portfolio 3.75%
campaign 3.31%
team 3.23%
project 2.06%
store 2.06%
business 1.80%
branch 1.33%
hotel 1.31%
fund + n. >>共 534
manager 32.62%
company 10.52%
rate 5.21%
group 3.34%
raiser 2.17%
family 1.96%
investor 1.85%
industry 1.64%
management 1.52%
official 1.45%
每页显示:    共 1856