51.   A new government was formed after U.N.-supervised elections last year.

52.   A year after the government was formed, parliament passed a conversion bill in the first of three readings.

53.   All three parties had agreed when the current government was formed after national elections one year ago to take up the issue of referendum voting rights.

54.   And negotiations with the International Monetary Fund to help solve economic ills, including a steep rise in unemployment, are on standby until a new government is formed.

55.   And now that the coalition has agreed upon cabinet posts, President Vaclav Havel can officially nominate Klaus premier, and ask him to form the government.

56.   Analysts believed if a new government could be formed, markets would be buoyed.

57.   An absence of traditional party politics in Papua New Guinea means that governments are formed after the election results are known.

58.   Analysts say no party is likely to win an outright majority, warning it may take weeks of talks before a new government is formed.

59.   As party leader, Mrs. Gandhi would be the logical choice for prime minister in the unlikely event that Congress would form a government.

60.   Barak himself, busy with coalition negotiations, has said he will not comment on policy until his government is formed.

v. + government >>共 708
accuse 10.94%
criticize 3.91%
overthrow 3.61%
say 2.62%
topple 2.48%
join 1.86%
support 1.60%
blame 1.59%
form 1.59%
fight 1.53%
form + n. >>共 471
government 13.11%
committee 8.49%
group 4.56%
company 3.98%
coalition 3.82%
commission 3.34%
alliance 3.08%
team 2.12%
party 1.54%
cabinet 1.17%
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