51.   Its reports on corruption and drug-dealing contributed to the forced resignation over two years ago of three cabinet ministers.

52.   Srichand Hinduja was later given a British passport, and the resulting fuss led to the forced resignation of cabinet minister Peter Mandelson.

a. + resignation >>共 187
mass 10.10%
forced 7.50%
sudden 5.48%
immediate 4.91%
formal 3.61%
recent 3.46%
abrupt 3.17%
possible 2.74%
imminent 2.31%
second 2.16%
forced + n. >>共 441
labor 16.39%
repatriation 7.53%
entry 5.71%
laborer 3.42%
abortion 2.51%
fumble 2.46%
resignation 2.37%
labour 2.19%
expulsion 2.01%
prostitution 1.83%
每页显示:    共 52