51.   This expansion will push sales higher and, if companies are well-managed, force up profits, too.

52.   U.S. stocks advanced amid optimism that the economy is growing at a rate that will prod earnings above analyst estimates without forcing up interest rates.

53.   Under this pressure, salt water and oil are forced up wells.

54.   U.S. stocks advanced amid optimism that the economy is growing at a pace that will prod earnings above analyst estimates without forcing up interest rates.

55.   U.S. stocks advanced amid yFoptimism that the economy is growing at a rate that will prod earnings above analyst estimates without forcing up interest rates.

56.   A shortage could force up short-term interest rates and make it more expensive for banks and businesses to borrow.

57.   But there are fears that the currency could be devalued, and that would force up prices and deal another painful blow to the millions of impoverished Russians.

58.   Chu blames currency speculators, who the government says have attacked the Hong Kong dollar, forcing up interest rates and depressing stocks.

59.   Foreign investors took advantage of their stronger foreign currency to buy shares, forcing up prices that attracted Greek buyers.

60.   Ginandjar acknowledged that there would be more price increases in the coming months, including for gasoline, which would eventually force up public transportation fares.

v. + up >>共 796
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force + p. >>共 61
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每页显示:    共 90