51.   The network reported Wednesday the Bloc has a site which features a photo of Chretien wearing clown makeup that exaggerates the corner of his mouth.

52.   The tabloid featured photos from Tuesday of Diana, in a casual baby blue woolen suit, sprinting across the street to beg a little leeway from Shahreman Daraee.

53.   The vintage car show was held to promote a commemorative California license plate that features a photo of a smiling Reagan wearing a cowboy hat.

54.   They claim that the publications, which feature photos of scantily clad women, are tantamount to pornography and have gone beyond the limit of social decency.

v. + photo >>共 411
take 14.65%
snap 4.70%
publish 4.48%
show 4.37%
have 3.66%
include 3.14%
see 3.03%
send 2.77%
use 2.03%
feature 2.00%
feature + n. >>共 1771
woman 1.31%
picture 1.29%
player 1.17%
character 1.11%
photo 1.09%
works 1.01%
team 1.01%
work 0.99%
star 0.95%
voice 0.89%
每页显示:    共 54