51.   There were few fears on the latter score.

52.   Two members of the international team also went to the village of Mekambo to try to calm local fears on Thursday, according to the WHO.

53.   US President Bill Clinton moved quickly Friday to take credit for a surge in job creation last month, but sought to calm Wall Street fears on inflation.

54.   Rival Kurdish factions expressed fear on Sunday that the failure of their talks in Dublin would lead to renewed fighting in northern Iraq.

55.   The administration has softened its approach in recent days to quell fears on the financial markets of a trade war which could push the weakened dollar lower still.

56.   The American employment figures gave rise to inflationary fears on the markets, which they considered could lead to higher interest rates.

n. + on >>共 1528
pressure 1.52%
report 1.14%
comment 1.06%
decision 0.94%
agreement 0.93%
impact 0.90%
restriction 0.85%
work 0.67%
detail 0.57%
price 0.54%
fear 0.01%
fear + p. >>共 60
about 28.42%
in 15.28%
for 13.26%
among 10.36%
over 6.95%
from 4.20%
by 2.78%
into 2.62%
as 1.86%
on 1.77%
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