51.   The House planned to vote on the election-year measure today, and Senate passage was expected tonight or Friday morning.

52.   The House moved toward a final vote as Senate Republicans pushed their own balanced-budget proposal toward the floor and expected passage next week.

53.   The House voted as Senate Republicans pushed their own balanced-budget proposal toward the floor and expected passage next week.

54.   The law now goes to the general session of the legislature, where officials said they expect speedy passage.

55.   The National Assembly opened debate on a proposed law granting investors greater rights and passage was expected.

56.   However, as US legislators get down to debate on the issue, few analysts expect passage of a European-style government-paid system.

57.   Assembly members said Friday that passage is not expected for at least six weeks.

58.   Passage is expected in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

59.   Smith predicted the bill would withstand a variety of challenges on the employment verification issue and others, and said he expected passage of the bill by Thursday.

60.   The measure was sent to the full House of Representatives, where passage was expected late Wednesday or Thursday.

v. + passage >>共 404
win 6.52%
block 4.11%
expect 3.18%
allow 2.62%
read 2.52%
urge 2.31%
ensure 2.26%
assure 2.05%
guarantee 2.00%
delay 1.95%
expect + n. >>共 1128
result 7.54%
decision 5.59%
announcement 2.27%
change 2.13%
vote 1.87%
rain 1.35%
ruling 1.34%
verdict 1.32%
approval 1.30%
report 1.21%
passage 0.35%
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