51.   SEC Commissioner Steven Wallman sees whole new trading systems evolving as start-ups, consumer giants and Internet intermediaries try to capture dollars from traditional transaction-fed brokers.

52.   So perhaps our eyes evolved as a compromise among the different kinds of light we are exposed to.

53.   Similarly, we know that humans evolved as the great cooperators.

54.   Some of the new songs evolved as the band tried to work out arrangements suitable for a concert tour.

55.   Tettleton has been a catcher for most of his career, but evolved as a man of many gloves over the past couple of years in Detroit.

56.   Telnet evolved as a way to operate those distant machines while taking advantage of the nascent network.

57.   The cards also may evolve as a secure and convenient payment mechanism for use over the Internet and other computer networks.

58.   The Elmer community evolved as a series of disasters hit Walker.

59.   The Ivy-or-bust mentality is evolving as a defining issue from earliest childhood.

60.   The kitchen is also evolving as a planning center, with the addition of desks, computers and message units.

v. + as >>共 749
know 10.51%
see 9.14%
come 4.10%
work 4.03%
use 3.96%
identify 3.04%
emerge 1.74%
describe 1.40%
take 1.39%
quote 1.35%
evolve 0.05%
evolve + p. >>共 45
into 43.17%
from 17.60%
in 9.85%
over 5.82%
as 3.90%
with 2.80%
to 2.76%
out_of 1.44%
through 1.40%
beyond 1.14%
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