51.   It was an almost identical ethnic conflict between Muslims and Christians and it was called Lebanon.

52.   James also played upon internal ethnic conflicts, as well as class and social differences among many blacks in the still troubled city.

53.   Kumaratunga has pursued a carrot-and-stick approach to the ethnic conflict.

54.   Life as a sugar-cane field hand is harsh, however, fraught with exploitative white bosses and ethnic conflict with fellow workers.

55.   More and more this organization is being pressed into service to settle ethnic conflicts and to help formerly Communist countries become democratic ones.

56.   Most of the ethnic conflicts in the world today are difficult to follow for outsiders.

57.   NATO is also working on a comprehensive plan to help bring long-term stability to a region torn by a decade of ethnic conflict.

58.   Only if ethnic conflict, nuclear proliferation and the population crisis are linked to curveballs and pop-ups in some way that does not immediately meet the eye.

59.   Plans for the trip began last November, when the ethnic conflict in Kosovo was still mainly an internal Yugoslavian affair.

60.   Properly used, Bradley has argued, the global marketplace can provide powerful incentives to governments to resolve ethnic conflicts and improve human rights.

a. + conflict >>共 875
armed 6.03%
ethnic 4.63%
scheduling 3.04%
potential 2.92%
internal 2.68%
bosnian 2.68%
regional 2.65%
military 2.60%
arab-israeli 2.36%
current 1.97%
ethnic + n. >>共 534
group 16.58%
minority 6.93%
rebel 5.97%
leader 3.69%
tension 2.55%
conflict 2.33%
violence 2.30%
refugee 1.78%
community 1.65%
line 1.65%
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