51.   In this new, provisional, uncompartmentalized MOMA, photography stood for the first time on equal footing with every other art.

52.   Industries with large disparities in their tax treatment were put on a more equal footing with one another.

53.   In the relationship with her husband, they were really on equal footing.

54.   Iraq previously said it would accept American inspectors if other nations such as France and Russia had an equal footing on the team.

55.   In theory, the formula put stock and mutual insurance companies on an equal footing.

56.   It attempts, in its companionable way, to put writer and reader on equal footing.

57.   It is a useful formulation because it puts human ingenuity on an equal rhetorical footing with the more familiar precepts of the economics texts.

58.   It creates equal footing.

59.   It would virtually kill his goal of placing the Reform Party on an equal footing with the Democratic and Republican Parties.

60.   It would also allow the U.S. fishing fleet to operate on an equal footing with fleets from other nations, according to White House spokesman Brian Johnson.

a. + footing >>共 119
equal 26.27%
financial 10.53%
solid 7.15%
sound 5.98%
firm 5.98%
same 4.03%
firmer 2.60%
legal 2.34%
better 1.69%
stronger 1.56%
equal + n. >>共 680
right 7.78%
number 6.65%
part 5.19%
amount 4.72%
access 4.34%
footing 4.02%
treatment 3.84%
protection 2.89%
partner 2.77%
pay 2.35%
每页显示:    共 201