51.   Relief efforts are now focusing on preventing an outbreak of waterborne diseases.

52.   The current U.S. diplomatic effort has focused on reaching a political settlement to the war in Bosnia and the conflict between Serbia and Croatia.

53.   The effort focuses mainly on people awaiting trial and those convicted of misdemeanors.

54.   The PDS effort has focused on Gregor Gysi, its mayoral candidate and former party head.

55.   The new U.N. effort does not focus on cannabis because its production is too widespread, or on synthetic drugs because too little is known about them.

56.   The research effort will initially focus on Japan but the two companies said any promising results likely would be applied worldwide.

57.   The wreckage of other trade center buildings destroyed in the attack remains largely untouched, as efforts have focused on clearing the twin towers.

58.   Until now, U.S. search and excavation efforts have focused on battlefields near the Chongchon River in Unsan and Kujang counties.

59.   Vendrell said the peace effort will not focus on an immediate cease-fire but on slowly trying to build trust between the two sides.

60.   War crimes efforts focus on Radovan Karadzic, but where is he?

n. + focus >>共 1162
talk 4.73%
company 4.34%
investor 2.80%
attention 2.38%
meeting 2.01%
investigation 1.97%
discussion 1.81%
investigator 1.72%
government 1.43%
group 1.32%
effort 0.93%
effort + v. >>共 730
be 30.44%
fail 6.43%
continue 3.56%
begin 2.18%
have 1.98%
go 1.73%
come 1.64%
pay_off 1.64%
help 1.59%
make 1.50%
focus 0.93%
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