51.   The plan also arranges the streets in a simple grid to allow uninterrupted waterfront views, a feature missing in earlier plans.

52.   The provisions of the earlier plan were ignored in many dioceses.

53.   The project is an expanded version of an earlier plan that called for the demolition of only three high-rises, two of them vacant.

54.   They were seeking an Off Broadway partner for their latest commercial venture after an earlier plan to rent the Vivian Beaumont Theater fell through.

55.   Walton also told the Bee that contrary to his earlier plan to turn the painting over to Keereweer soon, he would have it appraised before completing the sale.

56.   Working with light weights this week to strengthen his shoulder, Nelson has felt the return of some pain and therefore backed off earlier plans to start hitting wedges.

57.   According to earlier plans, U.S. assistance would make Shchuchye the largest of seven disposal plants to be built in Russia.

58.   Albinson said the owners failed to submit a new written plan to revive Superior after the earlier plan lapsed.

59.   An earlier plan by the consortium envisaged using a huge crane and a pontoon barge.

60.   An earlier plan to incorporate a five-star hotel in the development has now been deferred indefinitely due to poor market conditions.

a. + plan >>共 989
new 5.97%
immediate 3.68%
contingency 3.24%
restructuring 2.80%
economic 1.98%
republican 1.92%
such 1.78%
original 1.74%
ambitious 1.74%
spending 1.60%
earlier 0.61%
earlier + n. >>共 973
report 6.23%
version 2.44%
study 2.07%
statement 1.71%
year 1.55%
gain 1.48%
decision 1.47%
loss 1.28%
attempt 1.15%
time 1.05%
plan 0.87%
每页显示:    共 119