51.   He also stands accused of laundering tens of millions of dollars in drug profits.

52.   Hindelang was an associate of marijuana kingpin Julio Nasser David, who along with his wife Sheila Arana de Nasser amassed millions in drug profits.

53.   Investigators have said drug trafficking profits have been used to finance al-Qaida.

54.   It happened two weeks after unidentified gunmen reportedly fired on the vehicle of an anti-corruption prosecutor investigating Montesinos for laundering drug profits.

55.   Investigators raided an offshore holding company in the Turks and Caicos Islands suspected of laundering drug profits, police said Wednesday.

56.   It also authorizes the seizure of vehicles, money, equipment and land gained through drug profits.

57.   Laundering of drug profits has become a big business in the Dominican Republic, Hemeau said.

58.   Mexico has long been used for hiding the source of drug profits.

59.   Montesinos is wanted in Peru on charges from laundering drug profits, arms dealing and influence peddling to directing death squads.

60.   Police, too, rarely go to Dona Marta except for a cut of the drug profits.

n. + profit >>共 343
company 13.23%
year 7.23%
third-quarter 6.68%
first-quarter 5.86%
fourth-quarter 5.74%
second-quarter 5.09%
drug 3.68%
bank 3.38%
quarter 2.78%
windfall 2.31%
drug + n. >>共 541
company 5.40%
use 5.37%
trafficker 5.22%
dealer 4.60%
test 3.79%
trade 2.64%
charge 2.46%
abuse 2.39%
addict 2.07%
user 1.82%
profit 0.29%
每页显示:    共 85