51.   Programs sponsored by the Radcliffe Culinary Friends, an organization of library supporters, draw national audiences to discussions of the relationships between food, history and culture.

52.   Promotionally, however, he scored with innovative marketing programs and earlier curtains to draw after-work audiences.

53.   Simms believes that with its second chance, his show will draw the audience it deserves.

54.   Some insiders see the fatal incident as a wake-up call for an industry too accustomed to taking risks to draw audiences.

55.   Slattery is convinced audiences are drawn by that titanic energy.

56.   Star power having proved unreliable, movie studios are increasingly depending upon the Big Wow to draw jaded audiences into the multiplex.

57.   Still, broadcasts of the trial drew large audiences.

58.   Studios now seek action movies that have big stars, can draw audiences abroad and are relatively easy to market and promote in the United States.

59.   Test broadcasts in January on cable systems in North Carolina and Virginia drew large audiences, Brown said.

60.   That drew big audiences with video footage showing animals violently attacking humans, nearly killing them in many cases.

v. + audience >>共 610
have 6.66%
attract 4.09%
find 3.86%
draw 3.30%
reach 3.13%
address 2.13%
tell 2.03%
build 1.86%
leave 1.70%
keep 1.43%
draw + n. >>共 656
attention 9.56%
criticism 6.16%
line 4.85%
crowd 2.60%
fire 2.51%
conclusion 2.38%
support 2.07%
people 1.43%
walk 1.32%
plan 1.28%
audience 0.49%
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