51.   As dirty clothes cannot properly absorb new color dyes unless the dirt is removed, the body behaves in a similar manner.

52.   As for other mundane concerns, the three men changed underwear every three days, saving the dirty clothes to wear during exercise.

53.   Children loll on the grimy, stone platform floor, unmindful of their unwashed faces and dirty clothes.

54.   He arrived at the hotel early Monday, with no baggage and wearing dirty clothes.

55.   He came back Wednesday without any fish, wearing dirty clothes, missing his belongings and glad to be alive.

56.   Hygiene in the centers is poor and the stench of sweat and dirty clothes in some of the facilities is overpowering.

57.   In addition to the letters, rebels allow hostages to send dirty clothes home once a week.

58.   On the wooden floor, just one old table stood in the middle, with some dirty clothes in the corner.

59.   Police said it did not appear they were malnourished, although the home was filled with dirty clothes, trash and pet feces.

60.   They will now refill it with trash, dirty clothes and broken equipment for return to Earth.

a. + clothes >>共 829
civilian 11.17%
street 6.55%
new 4.70%
plain 3.39%
designer 2.81%
casual 2.27%
old 2.27%
dirty 1.59%
black 1.49%
warm 1.42%
dirty + n. >>共 436
bomb 4.70%
water 4.40%
clothes 3.80%
money 3.32%
dish 3.20%
joke 2.90%
war 2.90%
look 2.83%
air 2.77%
needle 2.65%
每页显示:    共 63