51.   As of last September, Indonesia was the fourth-largest debtor in the developing world.

52.   As of last September, Indonesia, was the fourth-largest debtor in the developing world, according to Credit Suisse First Boston.

53.   As the church grows in the developing world, the power of cardinals from those nations is growing within the College of Cardinals.

54.   At dozens of colleges, groups sought to curb sweatshop manufacturing in the developing world and to demand a living wage for employees at home.

55.   At the same time he has been among the most vocal critics of the West in the developing world.

56.   Badly needed government reforms across much of the developing world have not kept pace with the rise of borderless commerce.

57.   Because it mostly occurs in the developing world, and the symptoms resemble other disorders, it frequently goes untreated.

58.   Barger resigned from CNN in January to found the International Trauma Research Center, an organization to assist victims of trauma across the developing world.

59.   Beyond AZT, a number of studies show that simplified drug regimens to prevent tuberculosis among HIV-infected people could have enormous impact in the developing world.

60.   Before the Gulf War, Iraq had some of the most advanced pediatric hospitals and the lowest infant death rates in the developing world.

a. + world >>共 802
arab 6.60%
outside 5.82%
real 4.74%
new 3.44%
developing 2.93%
former 2.75%
whole 2.37%
muslim 1.76%
modern 1.63%
islamic 1.53%
developing + n. >>共 639
nation 26.97%
world 17.86%
economy 2.51%
market 2.31%
technology 1.71%
software 1.03%
weapon 0.94%
fetus 0.83%
storm 0.77%
drug 0.77%
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