51.   But they identified controls on the spread of nuclear weapons as a field where the two sides could develop special links.

52.   China has viewed overseas trips by Taipei officials as moves promoting independence, and has warned countries not to develop official links with the island.

53.   Claiming sovereignty over the island, China bars any country that has diplomatic ties with Beijing from developing official links with Taiwan.

54.   Their rail and road links are less developed.

55.   They called for Britain to recognise it had a role to play in the wider world beyond Europe and emphasised the need to develop trading links outside the EU.

56.   The winning bidder will also take control of Union Railways, another state-owned body responsible for developing the link.

57.   It is strongly opposed to other countries developing official links with Taiwan.

58.   It said medium-sized firms should seize the moment to develop links with Japanese partners.

59.   It has warned other countries against developing official links with this island.

60.   Keating and Boutros-Ghali agreed that the UN should develop closer links with the Asia-Pacific region.

v. + link >>共 484
have 24.91%
deny 6.74%
establish 4.81%
provide 3.01%
find 2.91%
forge 2.47%
sever 2.16%
maintain 2.04%
include 1.79%
investigate 1.39%
develop 1.34%
develop + n. >>共 1095
technology 2.67%
plan 2.27%
product 2.16%
system 2.13%
drug 2.06%
software 1.81%
program 1.80%
weapon 1.54%
reputation 1.53%
cancer 1.38%
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每页显示:    共 68