51.   He talked to police and demanded a ransom, the report said.

52.   However, North Ossetian Premier Mamsurov said no ransom has been demanded for Cochetel, Interfax reported.

53.   However, there are numerous armed groups that have kidnapped civilians and Russian security personnel from neighboring regions in order to demand ransoms.

54.   Italian Embassy spokesman Andreas Ferarese said the embassy would not pay if the kidnappers demand ransom.

55.   It was unclear whether ransom was demanded for their release.

56.   Italian Embassy officials have said they would not pay if the abductors demand ransom.

57.   It was unclear why checkers officials wanted to hold the event in Chechnya, where gunmen regularly take foreigners hostage and demand hefty ransoms.

58.   Kidnappers often demand ransom of more than a million dollars for foreigners, and can be cruel to their captives to encourage payment.

59.   Kidnapping is widespread in Colombia, where guerrillas and common criminals often demand large ransoms.

60.   Kidnapping is common in Colombia, where leftist guerrillas and common criminals often demand large ransoms.

v. + ransom >>共 59
pay 59.42%
demand 17.01%
seek 7.05%
fetch 1.70%
collect 1.46%
negotiate 1.34%
deliver 1.09%
receive 0.97%
afford 0.61%
raise 0.61%
demand + n. >>共 772
release 5.06%
money 3.03%
resignation 2.99%
end 2.49%
compensation 2.19%
return 2.07%
apology 1.76%
action 1.76%
change 1.72%
explanation 1.64%
ransom 1.10%
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