51.   But the census data show that housing costs increased far faster elsewhere.

52.   But the data also showed that European imports were increasing.

53.   But the data also showed that the growth rate for the personal computer and telecommunications sectors was slowing, he said.

54.   But the data showed a zero.

55.   But the data also show that Al Gore would have emerged the victor if all the rejected ballots -- undervotes and overvotes -- had been counted.

56.   But the data presented Monday showed that the inventories had sharply declined in recent months.

57.   But the data shows those factors were not the sole reason for the differences.

58.   But the data show the rates are now high among people with primary jobs in public administration and the service industry.

59.   But the government data also show that job losses have been steadily falling over the last few years, the opposite of the trend in the Challenger data.

60.   But while data show that wealth is more equitably distributed in Japan, the government there has not released enough detailed information to make statistical comparisons possible.

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result 1.61%
datum 1.16%
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