51.   The findings are certain to damage the reputation of Korean contractors, whose cranes punctuate the skylines of many Asian cities.

52.   The Fox executives said they had been unaware of the contact and said Ellis had misused his role with the network, perhaps damaging its reputation.

53.   The labor unrest threatens to end a two-year run of record profits for BA and to damage its reputation for efficiency.

54.   The ruling, which looked highly political on its surface, could also damage the reputation of the Supreme Court for years to come.

55.   The Three Mile Island accident damaged the reputation of GPU and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gunter said.

56.   The Three Mile Island accident damaged the reputation of GPU and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, he said.

57.   Then she spoke of suing the spiritualist association for damaging her reputation.

58.   They claim McEnroe, during a recent tennis event, used profane language against the couple, tried to hit the Bibberos and damaged the reputation of the business.

59.   This uncharitable, censorious, ultimately unpleasant book does no credit to its author, and is unlikely to damage the reputation of its subject.

60.   What would happen is that the sensational details of a medical accident could be publicized and certain physicians with long histories of competence would have their reputations damaged unnecessarily.

v. + reputation >>共 352
have 33.37%
earn 7.30%
build 5.70%
develop 5.34%
gain 5.26%
make 2.73%
tarnish 2.30%
damage 2.27%
establish 2.00%
acquire 1.36%
damage + n. >>共 1108
building 5.74%
car 5.21%
house 4.17%
home 3.08%
vehicle 3.03%
crop 2.36%
relation 2.00%
reputation 1.65%
environment 1.65%
property 1.58%
每页显示:    共 108