51.   What do the customers like about it?

52.   We know what our customers like.

53.   What do your customers like?

54.   Wildrick said surveys showed that customers liked the idea but often found that promised merchandise was not available.

55.   While car companies have improved the quality and performance of their cars, surveys indicate that customers do not like to visit dealerships.

56.   Will the customer like the hairstyle?

57.   Yes, AST wants its customers to like it!

58.   Customers have apparently liked the results.

59.   Customers would like to repeat any enjoyable experience.

60.   For Beaumont, this means that he would never overcook his vegetables, fish or meats, preferring them done lightly - unless his customers like them otherwise.

n. + like >>共 1687
people 8.05%
sound 6.14%
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investor 1.79%
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thing 1.39%
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panelist 1.37%
fan 1.23%
team 1.19%
customer 0.81%
customer + v. >>共 981
be 14.37%
have 5.05%
want 3.29%
buy 2.95%
pay 2.86%
get 2.61%
use 2.11%
include 1.93%
come 1.43%
say 1.35%
like 0.73%
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