51.   Dozens of Israeli firms have sued Palestinians for nonpayment of bills, but Israeli court judgments have not been carried out.

52.   Federal law permits victims of foreign terrorism to collect court judgments from the U.S. government.

53.   He faces a court judgment in Guatemala for illegally closing a newspaper while in office.

54.   I have not read the court judgment and wish to stress that my views herein are based entirely on the news report.

55.   If someone wins a court judgment, for instance, he must pay the typist who claims he has to buy a ribbon.

56.   Other terrorism victims have won similar court judgments, only to be stymied by the U.S. government in their efforts to collect the money.

57.   Renegotiating extradition treaties and agreements on enforcing court judgments in other jurisdictions are a top Justice Department priority aimed at plugging some of the more serious gaps.

58.   She occasionally ignored court judgments, forcing creditors to seek liens on homes or assets, according to the Free Press.

59.   The Clinton administration is opposing legislation to make it easier for victims of terrorism to collect multimillion court judgments by seizing frozen assets of nations that sponsored the terrorism.

60.   The decision is the latest in a string of court judgments to provoke outrage in Fiji.

n. + judgment >>共 95
court 27.86%
news 7.86%
default 7.50%
business 6.43%
multimillion-dollar 3.21%
policy 2.50%
damage 2.14%
money 1.79%
malpractice 1.43%
reserve 1.43%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
judgment 0.45%
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