51.   Some hospitals conducted emergency exercises, and pharmaceutical manufacturers worked around the clock to produce antibiotics to counter the effects of biological weapons, Israel Radio reported.

52.   Some students passed onion pieces and tissue sprinkled with perfume to stone throwers to help counter the effects of the gas.

53.   The military establishment, however, said a tougher draft law was needed to counter the effects of widespread draft evasion.

54.   They planned to rub lemon juice under their eyes to counter the effects of tear gas.

55.   The World Health Organisation said on Tuesday that thorough preparation and readiness could help counter the effects of a bioterrorist attack.

56.   To counter this effect, Bolshakov met industry officials Saturday to consider measures which will appear in the government resolution.

57.   It implied that Rover was becoming a key factor in a strategy to counter the effects of the strength of the mark.

58.   Many of them said an accommodative monetary policy is needed to counter recessionary effects of lower government spending, he said.

59.   Reducing key rates is expected to stimulate domestic demand that could help counter effects of the global economic slowdown, it said.

60.   Serum to counter its effect was rushed to the Bochum hospital by police helicopter from a Dusseldorf zoo.

v. + effect >>共 302
take 30.15%
have 30.09%
feel 3.51%
study 1.74%
see 1.36%
show 1.35%
suffer 0.82%
produce 0.72%
examine 0.70%
offset 0.69%
counter 0.58%
counter + n. >>共 532
threat 4.98%
terrorism 3.91%
criticism 3.91%
effect 3.40%
attack 3.17%
claim 2.21%
argument 1.59%
gain 1.47%
charge 1.47%
move 1.36%
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