51.   Instead, they said they wanted to draw attention to the abuse of women and get Tyson, a convicted rapist, to contribute to their cause.

52.   Iran executes convicted rapists, drug traffickers and murderers.

53.   President Joseph Estrada said Wednesday he would not grant a last-minute reprieve to a convicted rapist who is set to be executed by lethal injection next week.

54.   Rape trials would take place within three months of the arrest, and convicted rapists would not be eligible for parole or probation under the proposed law.

55.   Since a convicted rapist was mistakenly released in March, no sex offender ordered confined to a state hospital after serving a sentence has been freed, Terhune said.

56.   Sharpton attacked Tyson opponents as hypocritical for demanding that the convicted rapist apologize but denying him a forum to do it.

57.   Singapore and Malaysia also cane convicted rapists, armed robbers and kidnappers.

58.   SUVA -- A judge tells two convicted rapists that neither their chiefly rank nor Fijian tradition can shield them from punishment.

59.   Texas has licensed at least one convicted rapist in the past.

60.   The murderer remained at large, while the other, a convicted rapist, was captured after the Wednesday escape from the Snake River Correctional Institution.

a. + rapist >>共 46
convicted 33.33%
serial 23.56%
alleged 7.11%
accused 4.89%
suspected 4.44%
would-be 2.67%
repeat 1.78%
brutal 1.33%
paroled 1.33%
actual 0.89%
convicted + n. >>共 216
murderer 14.23%
felon 12.35%
killer 7.36%
criminal 7.16%
drug 5.48%
sex 4.89%
child 4.15%
rapist 3.71%
terrorist 2.87%
man 2.57%
每页显示:    共 75