51.   For example, concrete blocks that form the walls were laid out in such a way that they can be removed to install windows and doors.

52.   For example, the lumber department has been scaled back to suit Chilean homes, which use more bricks, concrete blocks and steel.

53.   Forget visions of long, narrow, rusted trailers, plopped on concrete blocks in overgrown fields.

54.   For older homes, the same principle applies, but instead of a concrete block the plan substitutes multiple layers of heavy plywood.

55.   From concrete blocks to fruitcakes that sell all over?

56.   Gerardi was beaten to death with a concrete block on April.

57.   Hallways of concrete block and linoleum are lined with refrigerators and freezers full of virus samples and lunches.

58.   He looks at the white concrete block building and shakes his head.

59.   He has also promised to break a few concrete blocks.

60.   He turned and fired into the concrete block wall.

a. + block >>共 663
concrete 9.65%
large 6.97%
trading 3.62%
entire 2.64%
same 2.64%
big 2.21%
huge 1.97%
whole 1.77%
square 1.54%
wooden 1.46%
concrete + n. >>共 878
wall 4.74%
floor 4.72%
block 4.54%
slab 4.35%
step 4.05%
action 3.00%
barrier 2.67%
evidence 2.67%
proposal 2.65%
result 2.41%
每页显示:    共 244