51.   They say that once the merchants were made aware of the laws, most complied, although there has been no comprehensive review of financial records.

52.   Ultimately, the budget may be reworked if there are unexpected conclusions from the first comprehensive review of U.S. military strategy and requirements in four years.

53.   Treasury, which includes the U.S. Secret Service, has ordered a comprehensive review of presidential safety amid a rash of security breaches.

54.   Until Iraq restores the right of arms inspectors to conduct spot searches, however, the notion of a comprehensive review remains moot.

55.   U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali announced plans last week for a comprehensive review of the situation.

56.   US officials predict that the comprehensive review may backfire on Iraq by providing a forum to demonstrate that Baghdad has failed repeatedly to honor its disarmament obligations.

57.   We should have had neighborhood meetings and a comprehensive review.

58.   With the Tanzanian government, the bank began a comprehensive environmental review of the area last March and undertook field work last July.

59.   Yet the casualties of peace rarely draw media attention, beyond the obituary pages, and Congress has never conducted a comprehensive review of safety inside the military.

60.   Perry said he will fully reflect the South Korean policy in his comprehensive review of U.S. policy toward North Korea.

a. + review >>共 735
rave 4.16%
judicial 4.14%
mixed 4.07%
independent 3.50%
good 2.99%
internal 2.26%
annual 2.25%
further 2.13%
comprehensive 1.86%
antitrust 1.66%
comprehensive + n. >>共 606
peace 7.36%
plan 3.77%
review 3.43%
settlement 2.93%
study 2.90%
coverage 2.37%
reform 1.71%
program 1.68%
package 1.50%
list 1.50%
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