51.   Jarvik said details about how the AbioCor is working, and whether any complications have arisen, are important for other cardiac patients.

52.   Kruess died late Saturday at his house in the small town of Tarifa Alta from complications arising from a heart ailment, the Spanish news agency EFE said.

53.   Meanwhile, a new complication arose when Turkey said it would send troops into northern Iraq to prevent its own Kurdish rebels from crossing into southeast Turkey.

54.   Next year, however, complications will arise when Jamaica takes over the chairmanship from Egypt.

55.   The exact timing of the surgery will depend on whether added complications such as pneumonia arise, Jane said.

56.   The league had a full staff of attorneys on hand to process each of the deals, and a few complications arose to slow the process down.

57.   Gourmet cooking may be a refined art, but when the guests are heads of state, complications can arise.

58.   Complications could arise from the break because of its position right at the joint of the thumb, he said.

59.   Despite the new agreement between Ciller and Yilmaz, complications could still arise.

60.   The sources said complications arose on how and when UNITA should participate in a post-war government of national unity.

n. + arise >>共 680
problem 16.26%
question 8.78%
issue 4.87%
opportunity 3.74%
dispute 3.69%
need 3.47%
situation 2.53%
conflict 2.40%
difficulty 1.94%
controversy 1.72%
complication 1.67%
complication + v. >>共 91
be 45.18%
arise 10.86%
include 4.38%
develop 3.50%
occur 3.33%
cause 2.45%
ensue 2.28%
set_in 2.10%
make 1.40%
come 1.05%
每页显示:    共 62