51.   Since then, it has mushroomed into a complex web of agreements covering everything from farm goods and textiles to banking and intellectual property.

52.   Skilling said he knew few details of the complex web of partnerships that brought down Enron, and he insisted he was never warned of problems with the arrangements.

53.   Some experts wonder if Abdullah will be able to negotiate the complex web of the Middle East.

54.   The agreement should also commit countries to solving the complex web of problems preventing those infected from receiving AIDS drugs.

55.   The complex web of partnerships, improperly buttressed by Enron stock, ultimately brought down the energy-trading company.

56.   The complex web of partnerships, improperly buttressed by Enron stock, ultimately brought down the Houston-based company.

57.   The crisis was brought on by a complex web of factors that included the decline in world oil prices and the Asian economic collapse.

58.   The Hazara claims, Jehangir noted, are just one piece of a complex web of alleged battlefield atrocities, ethnic reprisals and revenge slaying.

59.   The indictment against Suharto alleged that he had enriched himself, his family and cronies with state money through a complex web of tax-free charitable institutions under his control.

60.   The legal wrangle involving a complex web of sometimes shadow companies and laws of several countries has only just began and procedures to recuperate the debts could take years.

a. + web >>共 180
complex 14.71%
tangled 10.86%
intricate 3.85%
global 3.85%
complicated 2.71%
worldwide 2.26%
vast 2.04%
growing 1.36%
elaborate 1.36%
new 1.36%
complex + n. >>共 1146
issue 4.06%
system 3.07%
problem 2.34%
process 1.93%
case 1.70%
relationship 1.40%
structure 1.38%
question 1.23%
web 1.22%
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