51.   Continental executives declined to say how much profit the company would receive from the sale.

52.   Colombian stocks fell for a fifth straight day on concern that the government will raise taxes, which could chill spending and hurt company profits.

53.   Colombian stocks rose to their fourth record in as many sessions amid declining interest rates and rising optimism about company profits.

54.   Company profits lagged expectations for years, partly because of overspending.

55.   Company profits were boosted in the second quarter of last year by an appreciation of the peso which reduced the weight of their dollar-denominated debt.

56.   Connecticut stocks rose to a new high this week, led by Tosco Corp. whose shares climbed amid expectations of higher oil company profits.

57.   Economists are concerned that the strong yen will slice further into company profits because it hurts the major exporters by pressuring them to raise prices abroad.

58.   Enrico said the company should reach a stage when one-third to one-half of company profits come from international operations.

59.   Exxon is considered a bellwether for oil company profits, and it benefits from a huge worldwide refining operation and network of gasoline stations.

60.   European stock indexes reached new highs and bonds rose as a surging dollar, sound company profits and lower German rates encouraged investors.

n. + profit >>共 343
company 13.23%
year 7.23%
third-quarter 6.68%
first-quarter 5.86%
fourth-quarter 5.74%
second-quarter 5.09%
drug 3.68%
bank 3.38%
quarter 2.78%
windfall 2.31%
company + n. >>共 743
official 17.10%
spokesman 7.04%
executive 6.67%
earnings 3.21%
spokeswoman 2.81%
stock 2.49%
profit 1.94%
president 1.68%
employee 1.57%
policy 1.49%
每页显示:    共 307