51.   Companies generally like to take the highest possible one-time write-offs in connection with acquisitions to reduce the ongoing drag on future earnings from the required accounting adjustments.

52.   Companies like Computer Associates and BMC Software Inc. with mainly U.S. and European customers will avoid a slowdown in Asian sales that may hurt some others.

53.   Companies like Microsoft and IS Robotics have formed partnerships with toymakers, applying the knowledge that drives adult-oriented businesses to products aimed at younger consumers.

54.   Companies like scrip because of its obvious benefits as a public relations tool.

55.   Companies like Viant and Zefer focus on big companies trying to adapt to a Web world.

56.   Companies may not like it, but offices are fertile flirting grounds.

57.   Dickens, the company spokesman, said the company would like to resolve the issues.

58.   Drug companies like the pet market.

59.   Even computer companies like to gather in Silicon Valley.

60.   FreeMark and Juno contend that advertising along with the E-mail will give the repeat exposure that brand companies like.

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