51.   The commission ruled that Spencer has not exhausted his legal rights in British courts, and said it will give other details reasons for the judgment later.

52.   The Belgrade electoral commission ruled Tuesday that the opposition won the capital.

53.   The commission has ruled that Thaksin, a billionaire, deliberately concealed part of his wealth when he served briefly as a deputy prime minister in the previous government.

54.   The commission ruled that Spencer has not exhausted his legal rights in British courts, and said it will give detailed reasons for the judgment later.

55.   The commission ruled that the state remained too unstable to allow candidates to run without intimidation or for voting to be held freely.

56.   The commission ruled Thursday on a complaint against Radio Islam, a Johannesburg station that has prohibited women from going on air under a strict interpretation of Islamic law.

57.   The commission rules on claims made by companies and individuals.

58.   The commission ruled Mrs. Madikizela-Mandela knew of and may have participated in these actions by the so called Mandela United Football Club.

59.   The commission ruled that the refusal to grant spousal health, dental and other benefits was discrimination based on sexual orientation, and therefore illegal.

60.   The commission ruled their behavior was not as bad as that of the team captain.

n. + rule >>共 750
court 34.26%
judge 21.62%
panel 3.11%
official 2.76%
commission 1.55%
jury 1.53%
government 1.46%
justice 1.42%
authority 1.00%
referee 0.91%
commission + v. >>共 810
say 10.82%
be 7.94%
have 4.60%
recommend 2.60%
find 2.14%
investigate 2.02%
decide 1.70%
meet 1.33%
make 1.24%
approve 1.15%
rule 0.97%
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