51.   Murphy also cited the lack of interest by St. Louis contributors.

52.   On Monday, he padlocked the gym and canceled practices and games indefinitely, citing a lack of academic focus by some of his players.

53.   One prisoner cited a lack of shampoo as grounds for commutation, Maharaj said, while others have cited noisy fans or bright lights outside their cells.

54.   Other athletes in Barcelona cited the lack of air conditioning in the village as reasons for moving out of dorms.

55.   Others cite the lack of other academic measures for very young children and say these tests are valid for some students, just not all.

56.   Petrou cited the lack of a coherent policy to respond to international crises and the need for an administration policy on new banking and capital rules.

57.   Prosecutors cited a lack of evidence, saying there was no other version to contradict the one given by Strauss-Kahn.

58.   Primakov urged Yeltsin not to appoint him, citing his lack of economic expertise and poor health.

59.   Rather, she cites the lack of services available to inner-city girls.

60.   Restaurateurs often cite a lack of business.

v. + lack >>共 270
cite 13.59%
blame 6.99%
show 6.25%
include 3.97%
protest 3.72%
lament 3.17%
criticize 2.98%
reflect 2.88%
say 2.53%
bemoan 2.38%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
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