51.   Jim Pandol of Pandol Bros. says the grape case illustrates the degree to which the agricultural fortunes of the United States and Chile have become intertwined.

52.   Michael Kirkman, legal director for Ohio Legal Rights Service, said the Tavner case illustrates a statewide ignorance of emergency removals.

53.   Nonetheless, the Nomura and Daiwa cases illustrate that as finance has become global, so has the long reach of the law.

54.   No case better illustrates the perils of overhauling a debt-laden company than Thai Petrochemical Industry.

55.   Officials said the case illustrates the difficulties of adhering to U.S. legal standards in markets like Russia, where the full rule of law has yet to be established.

56.   One recent case illustrates how the Internet can be used to share criminal interests involving children.

57.   Richard E. Cantwell, the Clinton County district attorney, said the Moisescu case illustrated the concern.

58.   Samater said the case illustrates not only the porousness of the US refugee program but also the inability of the immigration system to handle such cases.

59.   Some lawyers say high-profile cases like these illustrate why the legal system isolates jurors from outside influences.

60.   Some legal scholars say the Simpson case illustrated that the criminal justice system is flawed not in its rules but in the character of some police officers.

n. + illustrate >>共 441
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example 4.24%
incident 3.36%
story 2.76%
episode 1.97%
event 1.58%
deal 1.48%
dispute 1.38%
situation 1.28%
move 1.09%
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pend 2.09%
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