51.   Without federal rules, he added, companies that are not part of the agreement will continue to offer detailed profiles of people and their buying habits.

52.   After classes, students focus on practical projects, such as canvassing food stores to conduct market research on Russian buying habits.

53.   And these local theatergoers have changed their buying habits, preferring to purchase tickets on the day of performance or less than a week in advance.

54.   Buying habits in different parts of the country also are reflected in theft trends.

55.   Economists will be watching to see if consumers like Hawkins just cut back on the extras or start changing their buying habits.

56.   It should promoteright buying habits and not deceptive and misleading methods of sales.

57.   The NICB said buying habits in different parts of the country also are reflected in theft trends.

58.   For de Villepin, at least in the short term, the French are more likely to change their buying habits than the Germans, however.

59.   Consumers also remained attached to their buying habits, she said.

60.   Measures to reduce costs in the public health sector had changed the buying habits of clients, Vita said.

a. + habit >>共 662
bad 9.92%
old 9.28%
eating 8.49%
spending 2.80%
smoking 2.23%
buying 2.16%
good 2.01%
drinking 1.91%
viewing 1.83%
driving 1.58%
buying + n. >>共 484
interest 9.02%
spree 8.94%
power 8.56%
opportunity 6.54%
support 4.36%
stock 2.91%
habit 2.29%
frenzy 1.83%
share 1.80%
group 1.72%
每页显示:    共 60