51.   Potential buyers could include Liberty Financial Cos., Union Bank of Switzerland, ABN Amro Holding NV and Royal Bank of Canada.

52.   Potential buyers include Motorola Inc., Oracle Corp., Sony Inc., International Business Machines Corp. or another company, analysts said.

53.   Potential buyers might include General Electric Corp.

54.   Plausible buyers could include Corning Inc. or JDS Uniphase.

55.   Possible buyers for Rohr include B.F. Goodrich Co., which makes a variety of parts for aircraft as well as plastics and additives.

56.   Potential buyers include Alcatel Alsthom SA of France.

57.   Potential buyers include Chicago-based Aon Corp. and U.K. insurance broker Willis Corroon Plc, analysts said.

58.   Potential buyers include sports teams and the military, as well as corporations, Welch said at a news conference in New York.

59.   Possible buyers include the independent oil and gas companies that have been snapping up reserves from the large oil companies, which are shifting their operations abroad.

60.   Potential buyers include larger competitors McKesson Corp. and Bergen Brunswig Corp., both of whom declined comment.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
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list 1.51%
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measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
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dead 0.87%
buyer 0.18%
buyer + v. >>共 589
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want 2.23%
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